Monday, March 10, 2008

Just the two of us

This week has begun oddly for me.

My husband, daughter, and I spent the weekend in Redding with his family. The weather was beautiful and my in-laws had installed a swing set. My daughter (20 months) and my niece (16 months) had a ton of fun watching the grown-ups push them (Whee, whee, whee!)

Yesterday, my husband and I drove back home to Elk Grove alone, leaving Em with her grandparents. She is going to stay with them until Wednesday, when they'll drop her off and my mom will come up to watch her for the rest of the week.

It's so strange because she's not even two years old, but being without her feels so lonely. Driving home without her left a big pit in my chest. I couldn't sleep last night, and I was really restless at work.

My husband and I were together for five years before her, so one could think that we would be comfortable with each other. We aren't.

This evening we've been warily circling each other, not quite knowing how to talk to each other without a little one vying for our attention. I was unaware of how much my husband and I had lost contact with each other.

In fact, I think I need to get off this computer pronto and go talk to my man! (That sounds kinda silly, I know, but you get the point.)

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