Friday, July 24, 2009

S.I.V 2

9:00 am: Getting better at the sleeping in thing.

10:00 am: Made cinnamon toast for Em for the first time. She enjoyed it. And I enjoyed the lack of "constructive criticism." (See SIV Day 1 for info.)

12:00 pm: Togo's lunch. Elk Grove Park. Way aggressive geese and ducks. But we still have a nice time. And once someone else brought McDonald's, the geese bothered us no more. Wait, did I just get rejected by a goose? Sad.

2-4 pm: Mad Men, season 2. Enough said.

5:00 pm: Scrap booked for the first time in months.

7:00 pm: Realized childhood dream of having hamburger helper for dinner. Realized I had lame dreams as a child.

9:18 pm: Blogging. Planning on finishing Mad Men, season 2 and bugging husband about how I want champagne saucers.

Work Cheats--checked emails, responded to none, planned no meetings.

1 comment:

kelly said...

I loved your last slew (a word?) of blogs. Great fun to read, especially since I've been on a hiatus from teaching. Keep 'em coming; enjoy your vacation!