Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's a Boy...and other things

On November 3rd, we had our big ultrasound. It actually almost didn't happen, as I received a phone call at 7 pm on Monday saying it was canceled. After throwing a hissy fit (not proud of myself about that), I got another appointment for the same day.

So, I left work early on Wednesday to pick up Em and meet Justin at South-Sac Kaiser, which is where I will most likely give birth. (If I was the planning ahead type, I probably would have tried to figure out where labor and delivery is in that place. Nope, I like to live dangerously.)

After waiting awhile with a bladder that was ready to explode, I finally got ushered into the ultrasound room and the tech got to work. I was a little bummed that she didn't let Justin in until later. She told me that Emerson would distract her. Oh, okay.

Eventually Justin did get to come in, but unfortunately I had already been told that I am having a little boy. I was still in shock when he came in. Not sure why I was surprised to be having a boy. I'm thinking maybe it's because I already have a girl and that's what I'm used to.

Back to the ultrasound. Everything looks great. Our boy is doing just fine and he is a wiggler. That annoyed the technician to no end (I thought it was pretty cute myself.) And they gave me a new due date...again. This one, March 19th, was closer to my original guess. It doesn't really matter, as I expect to go early. If I don't great; if I do, I'm prepared.

After the appointment, we did the obligatory tell everyone on Facebook. Of course, most people thought I was having a boy. (This annoys me a bit because I hate being told anything...seriously, I got issues.)

This past weekend we headed to Redding for my niece's birthday, and it was exciting to be able to talk about our future son with my family. I looked at both my nephews and marveled at the fact that I would have a son of my own soon.

I have a long way to go before I am ready to have a newborn again. There are lots of things to buy, a room to get ready, etc. But my biggest concern: learning how to change diapers without getting pissed on. Yup, that's me. :)


AmandaS said...

I would be terrified of getting pissed on. be fair...Ava projectile crapped on Paul so bad during a diaper change that it, literally, looked like he had been shot with breast-milk shit. It was hilarious. Mostly...because it didn't happen to me.

Kimmie said...


Ivy said...

Well, if it's any consolation, I thought you were going to have a girl, too :)

Unknown said...

Dont worry Hil, I will send you some Tinkle Tents.

Haley said...

It's not that bad...the key is to move quickly. Mandey's tinkle tents work great and they are machine washable!