Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Time to Breathe

As of today, I am officially half-way on my path towards a master's in school administration. It's hard to believe how far me and my family have come since last year, when all I was worried about was whether or not I'd have a job this year.

Now, gainfully employed and on my way to tenure, I have a daunting year in front of me. I have a project to implement, a master's thesis to write, and, of course, 150 students I haven't even met yet.

The nice thing: none of that is my problem. Yet.

Now, I have that oft-sought, rarely received, opportunity to stop worrying about deadlines, etc and actually just live my life. I have lots of things to do, but luckily all seem rather manageable after this past year.

My Upcoming "Life"

* Finish out the school year without incident (please, god, may the weather stay pleasant)
* Plan for the next school year with my department (please, god, may I remain pleasant)
* Celebrate my husband's graduation from the credential program and my brother-in-law's graduation from college
* Celebrate my lovely daughter's 3rd birthday
* Teach summer school (yeah, it's not awesome, but the extra paycheck is)
* Work on my master's project (again, not awesome, but I might as well get something done)
* Spend time with family
* Actually speak to my husband
* Sit on my butt

The school year is winding down, and it's nice to be in a place emotionally to enjoy it. Last year everything was so uncertain and scary. This spring, I am happy to be employed and I'm doubly happy to have tenure next year.

More importantly, this year has been about working for my family. I'm really hoping to enjoy them over the summer. To recharge. To remind myself why every tear, moment of doubt, every headache, and every moment spent working instead of sleeping was worth it.

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