Sunday, May 10, 2009

Exactly What I Wanted

In terms of Mother's Day celebrations, this day, heck, this weekend was perfect. While my first three mother's days were really nice, they were also really busy. Really busy.

1st Mother's Day: I was pregnant, but my husband was very sweet and took me out to lunch. However, we had just moved, so our new place was a wreck, I was on a horrid diabetic diet and semi-bed-rest, and Justin was exhausted.

2nd Mother's Day: The Friday and Saturday before were consumed by my friend Alison's wedding. It was great fun, but by the time I got to Sunday, I was pretty tired (and honestly, a little hungover.)

3rd Mother's Day: Last year, my husband planned an EXTRAVAGANZA. He bought me a dress, my mom watched Em, and we out to dinner on Saturday. The next day, the four of us met up with my sister and husband at the Davis Whole Earth festival. Very hippie. Very fun.

This year, we decided to hang home. My mom had to work this weekend (boo), and I had class yesterday so we couldn't head up to Redding to see Justin's family. While seeing our family would have been nice, this weekend was super relaxing and perfect.

I got home yesterday just in time for one of Justin's yummy pineapple-chipotle maragaritas. Might sound a little weird, but they're really good. So good I had three. Ouch this morning, but totally worth it.

We had a fantastic tri-tip dinner and watched super hero movies late into the evening. This morning, I slept in a bit (dang that chipotle) and finally dragged myself out of bed for some bacon. I cannot remember the last time I had bacon and it was a wonderful thing.

Justin packed a picnic lunch, wicker basket and checked tablecloth included of course, and we headed to William Land Park for lunch. We had a great time, even if we had to avoid duck poop and errant golf balls.

I got cozy with my OnDemand during Em's nap and then she and I ran some errands. We have a light dinner planned. All in all, a faboo day.

I'll need to remember all this come Father's Day. :)

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