Monday, September 20, 2010

My New Rollercoaster

As all my close friends and family know (well, to be honest, I think I told the whole dang world), I discovered I had gestational diabetes during my first pregnancy. This discovery turned into a very time-consuming issue late in my pregnancy.

Unfortunately, the diabetes did not go away when I had my daughter. I had heard it would. But nope, I was not so lucky. Eventually I was diagnosed pre-diabetic. Eventually I shed that status after shedding 45 pounds.

So this next pregnancy, I was prepared. I knew what I was heading into. (Doesn't make it any less annoying, but I least I was prepared to be annoyed.)

So when my doctor asked me to do the glucose test 30 weeks before she normally would--not surprised.

When I failed it--not a shocker.

When I was "asked" to do the second, three-hour glucose test--pissed but expecting it.

When they put me on the diabetic diet and gave me a glucose meter and made me call a nurse every week--no big deal.

When the diet failed--I had no tears.

When my new doctor gave me the "it's time for insulin talk," I had steeled my resolve.

So now I'm on insulin. It has its ups...and its downs, and that is the exact problem with it. The first day I was excited. I had NEVER see a fasting blood sugar so low. I was excited and relieved.

But then, at school, in a classroom, while dealing with a difficult situation, I hit a blood sugar low. I have heard people describe themselves as hypoglycemic, but I had NO idea how terrible it feels. I was dripping sweat and shaking and my school secretary said I had dark circle under my eyes.


Aft 15 grams of cards, I felt much better. Called my doctor, revised the plan, and moved on.

Until Sunday/Monday early morning. Last night I woke up at 12 am in a complete sweat. It took me a while to come to my senses and get up. When I finally got up and tested myself my sugars were 55...very low.

I'll admit that I was scared to go back to bed. My fear is what if I don't wake up. No one will really answer that question. So comforting.

So my doctor has revised my plan again. And tonight I have to wait until 11 to take my insulin (a full two hours after I am typically in bed) and I have to check at two. AWESOME.

But I'll do it. But really, March can't come soon enough. :)


Stephanie said...

Wow Hillary, scary stuff, but I'm confident you'll get it under control. You're in my thoughts!

AmandaS said...

Hang in there, girl! You are going to make this one work...I just know it. :-)