Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mental Health Day

So my district has an inconvenient policy about subs: if they cover for more than three periods, then they get paid for a whole day (translation--you lose an entire day of sick leave.) Well, I had a job interview this morning at 8 and was going to need to miss three periods. I have no sick leave left, so I'm paying for my subs out of my paycheck (really trying to ignore the rudeness of being laid off and required to lose pay to find a job...whatever.)

In short, I gave myself the day off today.

I went to my interview. It was more of tour actually, which was nice. Often you are offered a job without seeing the school with actual kids on campus, which is always a bit unsettling. I'm not totally sold on the school, but it seems like a decent place to work. I still am not thrilled about starting over.

Anyways...today was good and I need to focus on that.

After my interview, I went to Borders, found some fun books. (One is so awesome--I Was Told There'd Be Cake, a collections of essays by a snarky woman my age--really funny.) I got a latte and a snack and spent 40 minutes all by myself.

Then, I went to Target and Trader Joe's and actually shopped by myself. I think the last time I did that it was February. I came back home, read a bit, and napped. AWESOME!

I got my exercise done by 4, watched a little Sex in the City (the episode where Carrie falls on the runway--me likey!), and picked up my daughter.

Em and I spent the evening going through all her old winter clothes, sorting them into the appropriate piles, and playing dress-up (have I mentioned how much I like having a girl?)

Tomorrow, it's back to work. But I really needed some quiet to myself. I've been feeling really drained lately and it was nice to be beholden to no one today.


Sarah said...

Mental health days are the best. Glad you got a nice one.

Blue said...

I really understand. We are under new leadership this year, and it has been a rough one! I took my first "mental health" day in over three years. I'm glad that you enjoyed yours.