I cannot sing. I mouth "Happy Birthday." It's so bad that when people discover my not-singing, they tell me to go ahead and sing (it can't be that bad), and then promptly tell me to stop.
I'm okay with all this. Particularly because my daughter has loved to hear me sing.
When she was first born, I was on bath time duty pretty much every night. Over the first year of her life I would sing the same 7 or so songs and she would laugh and laugh. Her favorites: "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," and "Old MacDonald." At about 10 months she began mouthing the words with me and really following along. She'd do hand movements. It was adorable.
Little girl Em apparently has no desire to be adorable.
Today, after bath, I'm singing. She cuts me off: "No, no Itsy." Okay. I start with another: "No, no Tinkle." Well, what ya want, kid?!
I ask her, "What song you want to sing?" Her reply, "No song, Mama." So we counted how long it took to get dressed. She seemed okay with that.
Maybe my singing days are done. Maybe not. However, I'm aware that we have reached a new place, my daughter and I.
1 comment:
Dude, I can´t believe it took me this long to find your fantastic blog! I´m loving it. You´re definitely on my reading list now.
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