There are dozens of songs about the beauty and magic of wintertime. While that is a lovely time of year, I've never lived in an area where it snows, so I miss out on much of the magic of the season. I came to the conclusion today as I was running that spring is the most magical time of year hands down.
Normally, as I run, I try to think of any I can to not pay attention to what I'm doing to my body. Today was a totally different experience. My run takes me by a creek, which is abloom with grasses, and Mexican lavender. The ornamental plum trees have lost their blooms and their leaves are a fresh green. Poppies, dandelions, and little blue flowers I don't know the name to dotted the sides of the paths. Any time I felt too warm, a lovely, brisk breeze cooled me down.
There are many reasons not to like this time of year, especially as a high school teacher. Love, or whatever you want to call it, is truly in the air. I cannot use the restroom at school without shrieking at two kids groping each other in the hall. Yuk. In addition, the year is wrapping up and it can be very stressful making sure all your students are passing and prepared for the next grade level.
However, all my troubles indoors are no match for the beauty outdoors. And having a little daughter to share it all with is a boon. Today we went to Elk Grove park and chased after ducks (well, that was mostly Em), walked around the park, and ate lunch outside. I got to show Em how to blow dandelions and make a daisy chain. It was pretty much one-sided on my end, but she put a lot of effort into it. She kept pointing out dandelions and blowing at me. She'll get it eventually.
I know in a few short months the weather will be unpleasant again, and I'll need to run either at 6 am or 7 pm to avoid the heat. For now I will enjoy the longer days and blooming trees. I hope everyone is able to get outside and enjoy this wonderful time of year.
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