I suppose I should have blogged on this a few days ago, but now's better than never. :)
Last year, my daughter was 8 months old, so Easter was a bit beyond her. We put Cheerios in plastic eggs and gave her a big, fluffy, yellow duck and she was pleased as punch.
This year, I tried some activities with her prior to the holiday: dyeing eggs, making bunny cookies, etc. She was very interested...in the stickers that we put on the eggs and the frosting (yum, yum.) I know that these activities were probably more fun for me, but I loved spending time with her.
On Saturday, we traveled to Redding, where my mother-in-law had a great party planned. The weather was beautiful, and we spent the whole afternoon outside. My daughter actually hunted for eggs, but once she figured out they had jelly beans, she stopped and just ate the candy. She loved it!
Easter seems like the perfect holiday for my girl: she loves bunnies and ducks and sheep and anything mostly made of sugar. My niece, who's four months younger, is quite the chocolate girl. It's amazing how early they know exactly what they like.
I'm getting very excited for my daughter's upcoming birthday in June. She had a great time this weekend with her family, and I think she'll have a great time turning 2.
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