When we finally get to December 31st most years, I'm pretty numb from all the hectic school activities, holiday travel, and family melodrama. I like to stay at home, watch movies, eat fondue, and have too much champagne. My husband and I only went out once in the last seven years we've been together, and it was not a success. He got a glass of wine dumped on his head by a waiter, and I wore inappropriate foot wear, and kept slamming into things. He took home a bruised ego and I took with me very literally bruised thighs. Not pretty.
This year, my sister and her husband are coming up to Elk Grove from the Bay Area (yay, no driving for us), and we're having pot roast and chocolate fondue. And yes, too much champagne.
I'm all about the comfort food right now, which is not good for my diet, but oh well. I'm applying for my admin credential and my husband's trying to get in a Physician Assistants program. Our savings is dwindling, and I'm having major anxiety. It's keeping me up at nights and giving me heartburn.
If I were to be any animal, it'd be a squirrel that likes to hoard her nuts for the long winter. I know it's necessary for us to dip into savings, and that we'll eventually be better off because of the choices we're making, but I cannot explain how uncomfortable I am right now.
I am going to try to have a relaxing time tonight with my family and remind that I have a whole new year in front of me to deal with our money issues.
A happy new year to all!