So we finally made it back home yesterday after an almost four hour drive from the Bay Area; yeah, you heard me: FOUR HOURS. Should have been way shorter. I won't say how much shorter cause it'll make me have anger.
It's nice to be back and beat back the laundry monster, rescue the mailbox, and reassure our cats that we do love them. (The fat one hid behind the couch until 9 last night.) My dad is coming over tonight. He just drove back from LA yesterday, so I feel moderately bad that he is driving again. (Well, not that bad. That's what he gets for spending X-mas with his girl-fiend.)
Okay, back to the land of adults again.
It's amazing how big my little girl is. I got her a doll for Christmas, and today we put it to bed and sang it a song. She really was trying to sing rock-a-bye baby. It was so cute I went and got the camera. But as soon as I started filming, she stopped and stared blankly at me. She's not so much into being filmed.
So we have two days at home, and then we're off again. This time to Redding. My niece is walking now, so that should be a lot of fun.
Happy Kwaanza everyone!
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