Monday, February 14, 2011

Three-day Weekends=Bliss

This one has been particularly nice.

First, the weather on Saturday and Sunday was gorgeous. We had the windows open; Justin barbecued. It was good stuff. Today it's raining, but I okay with that. I hope it stays that way this week, as middle schoolers plus too much sunshine equal not fun.

This weekend has been especially nice because it has been all about the three of us. We had no plans, no place to be, etc. Now, we weren't slackers. Getting the baby's room ready took up much of the weekend.

On Saturday, Justin cleaned out Emerson's room and rearranged her furniture to incorporate the desk. The desk also had to be cleaned out. All of this cleaning resulted in about five garbage bags worth of junk. Seriously, I don't know how three people produce so much crap.

I ordered a dresser online for Em, which makes me a little nervous. But we shall see when it arrives later this week. It came with good reviews, so I'm hopeful, but I've never ordered anything like this online so I am a little nervous.

On Sunday, Justin found the screws to the crib (whew!) and set that up. Amazingly, this took place with no audible swearing. (Justin swears he did under his breath, but I heard nothing, so I am good.) He also moved one dresser into the baby's room and attacked that bad boy with a sponge. I think it looks pretty good, but he still wants to paint it. Sigh.

While the room is still pretty bare (no decorations yet), I feel loads better about it. If our boy comes early, we will at least have things in place for him. This gives me comfort.

My shower is next weekend. My plan is to purchase decorations and related items next weekend, so that we can get those into place before our little guy is here. Luckily, that stuff is fun and relatively easy. Most of the stuff I like from Target is only online, but I may swing by Toys R Us. It's a little more expensive, but they had cute stuff too. We have chosen a jungle theme again, but this time we are going with darker colors--reds, browns, greens, blues. Luckily, there is a ton of jungle stuff to choose from. I am partial to elephants and monkeys. :)

Today is Valentine's Day, and our plans include making cookies with Em (pink of course) and hanging close to home. This will be my final holiday without sugar (thank goodness), and I am very happy that I have made it this far without going completely nuts. Right now I am battling some serious juice cravings, but at least I can see the light.

In addition to family time, I need to work on Advocacy lessons (the final for the year...whoo-hoo!). I also need to rest up so that I am focused this week. It is hugely important that I go to every one of my evaluatee's classrooms this week as soon as possible. I have done all their formal observations, but I need to get walk throughs done. If I am put on bed rest, I can easily write evaluations from home, but I need the data.

Well, I'm off to make a sugar (sigh) cookie dough. :)

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