Sunday, July 25, 2010

Things I've Never Done Before

I hesitate to think of this last week as my first as a vice principal (mostly because I dealt with few teachers, encountered no children, and left work most days by 1.) However, this week did bring with it some really new experiences.

So here's a list of all the things I did this week that I've never done before:

1. Wore full make-up and fancy work clothes for an entire week in July.

2. Introduced myself (thousands of times) as Vice Principal.

3. Got keys to my very own office (not cubicle or class room.)

4. Interviewed potential teachers for a math position.

5. Checked (well, attempted) references for a potential teacher.

Good stuff.

Now, the not so good stuff. Sometime this week I will need to call five people and tell them that they aren't getting a job at our school. Sigh. I will get to tell one person that she is...if I ever get a hold of her references.

Tomorrow starts another week. What I love most about this job is that I have no idea what is coming. Very exciting (and yes, terrifying), but it is so different than how I have felt as a teacher.

Again, good stuff.

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