Sunday, April 18, 2010

El Fin

As of Friday, I have completed my master's project. I sent in one little thing to my professor, and that was it.

Well, kinda.

The head of the department needs to read it, and then give my professor the thumbs up, and in turn my professor will give me the green light to get my project printed.

I'm sure that is going to be F-U-N.

But happily I have made it this far. At the beginning of the semester, I thought all of this would never happen.

Here are a few things I discovered about finishing my Masters:

1. iTunes genius is possibly the best musical invention ever. You pick a song and it develops a play list just for you. Awesome.

2. It is possible to have a splitting headache so bad that you need to close one eye and still type.

3. Summaries are always boring.

4. Microsoft is a fickle b. One day it solves all your problems, the next weird crap happens that defies all explanation.

5. I have the best family (this isn't actually a new discovery, more of a big, fat, wonderful reminder.)

6. As with most educational pursuits, it is possible to bore the heck out of yourself and everyone around you. Don't believe me, just watch the eye rolls when you start a sentence with "My thesis..."

7. I can get anything done if I think I can save myself money. (Another semester??? Ha!)

8. I really miss exercise.

9. I really miss being outside.

10. Despite all my whining, higher education isn't a complete waste of time. I do feel proud. Exhausted but proud.

Well, now I am off to enjoy the rest of my weekend.

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