Technology in the workplace is not new. Computers are not new. Especially, in education. I distinctly remember being a TA in 1997 as a senior and entering grades for a teacher into an electronic grade book.
I think that we as teachers can safely say that computers are here to stay.
So, someone needs to explain to me why so many teachers are so STINKING close minded when it comes to technology. (Sidenote: this may be true of other professions, but I have never really worked in any other field...sad, I know.)
Please do not think I am tooting my own horn. I'm no technological wizard. Just ask my husband. I'm sure he'll say something vaguely insulting about my computer skills.
However, I am all about instant gratification, so computers work for me. Especially since the invention of high-speed Internet.
Here's why I left work today saying not very nice things about some of my co-workers:
1. A couple ladies I work with have it in their minds that I can solve ALL their tech problems. This is not true.
2. These same ladies always call me with questions. Not a bad thing, necessarily. But it's not so great when it's for something they need to complete RIGHT NOW.
3. When I am trying to help these women, they act like remaining in the dark ages is a good thing "Well, people your age may know computers, but I remember when we used ditto machines." Okay, you're now LAME and old. Yay for you.
4. Occasionally, they attempt to yell at me.
I say occasionally because when it happened today I gave my co-worker a stern talking to. Seriously, this woman is 50 and I spoke to her like she's 4. I actually asked her, "Do you really want my help or not?" She shut up then.
Still, I'm not answering my phone tomorrow.
*"For the Love!" is a common phrase of one my dear friends Stephanie. It's the perfect way to express frustration without swearing or offending anyone's religious sensibilities. :)
I know a lot of people like that. I think it is more a symptom of not being able to look at things with an attitude of trying to learn and figure it out on one's own. My mom handles technology perfectly well for someone of the older generation. She's not scared to make a mistake and she's willing to go out on a limb. It's a little distressing to hear of teachers not wanting to learn something new...
It should be a "for the love" followed by a kick to the head! Sorry you have to deal with lame-os.
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