Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I heart vacation

It's ten o'clock on a Tuesday night and I'm watching a new episode of Law & Order. I'm not feeling guilty about staying up or dreading going to work. Cause I don't have to go tomorrow. I'm not trying to gloat (too much), but it's such a good feeling to be on vacation.

Don't get me wrong; I genuinely like my students and my job. Just a couple days before winter break, a particularly difficult student of mine met my daughter at our school's basketball game. This girl is ROUGH: fifteen, big 'ol cross tatoo on her arm, lives with her great-grandma cause neither her mother or her grandmother is suitable. My daughter walks straight up to her and within minutes, they are as thick as thieves. My student shared her chips with my daughter and they hung out during the whole game. It's times like this that I know working in education is the right path for me.

That all said, it is sweet to have two weeks off for the holidays. I'm really looking forward to spending time with my husband and daughter. Today we sat at home and did nothing but laundry and unpacking. I stayed in my pajamas until it was time for me to go running. Not a bad way to spend a day.


Sarah said...

I heart vacation too. Even though I still have the same job and we didn't go anywhere, it's still been nice. I'm about ready for Emlyn to go back to school though. Where did you move to?

My email is princessbride 42 at g mail dot com. Miss you!

H-Beast said...

We moved to Elk Grove this summer. It's pretty nice, but it's way different than the Bay Area.

It was great spending so much time with Emerson, but she gets kinda bored with mom and dad. :) She was so happy to see the kids at daycare.