Sunday, January 30, 2011

Familiar Territory

I was nervous and excited when I got pregnant for the second time. This was due to several reasons, but I was also very curious about how this pregnancy would go. I've heard from many women different accounts of their second pregnancies and there doesn't seem to be any consistencies. Some had a very different time with their second child while some experienced similar symptoms, timelines, etc.

I was not sure what I would get.

There were a couple things I wanted to be different. For one, I had a moment thinking maybe I wouldn't be diabetic. Ha! My diagnosis was confirmed so early that it was almost funny...almost.

I also hoped that I wouldn't feel as sick my first trimester. So much for that. However, how I felt sick was very different. I didn't realize that there were different kinds of nausea. Now I know. Ugh.

There were a couple things that I wanted to stay the same as the first pregnancy. I had a really nice 2nd trimester with few symptoms. I wanted that again. Luckily, I got it. Also, I had an intense, yet short labor. Yes, sir gimme another. While it was scary to dilate early and go on bed rest, I was super grateful that I didn't have to go past my due date like some poor, tortured women do. No thank you.

So as I wrap up this pregnancy, I am noticing some similarities. First, I began non-stress tests this week at 32 weeks. (Sidenote: the doctors think I'm 32 weeks even though my old doctor corrected her original due date, so I should be at 33 weeks. Unfortunately, she didn't tell anyone apparently. Doesn't really matter, but I was still bummed to lose that week.)

When I went to my NST last Thursday, I was curious to see if I was right about two things: baby boy dropping, and my contractions. Luckily, they did an ultrasound (so fun to see the little guy), and sure enough he is headed south. Emerson did that last time too around this time.

I also wanted to see if I was contracting. I'm pretty sure that I am, but it has been five years since my last pregnancy. I had what I thought was my first contraction at about 28 weeks (that was a nice difference; I started contracting with Em at 20, but that was due to elevation and dehydration.) Since my third trimester started, I have about 3 to 5 contractions per evening, especially later in the week. They don't hurt, but sometimes my back aches.

On Thursday, they hooked me up to the heart and contraction monitors, and sure enough I am contracting. Most of it is just irritability. However, I did have three while I was there that qualified as real contractions because they were longer than 40 seconds.

The NST went fine, and the nurse reminded me of things to watch out for. So far, I seem to be on track with what happened last time. If Em's pregnancy is any indication, I hopefully shouldn't have to worry about being put on bed rest for 3 weeks or so. Hopefully, I can take better care of myself this time and make it a bit longer. I think it helps that I don't feel as scared and nervous about contracting as I did the first time. I feel like I know what to expect.

I do feel annoyed that my nurse seems so quick to discount my first experience with pregnancy. Medical professionals seem open to using past experience as an indication of what will happen in the future in most situations, excepting pregnancies. I don't get it. Maybe it's just my nurse, but she is really insistent that I will have a different experience this time. She keeps insisting that I will have to be induced. It's not that I'm unwilling to consider that possibility; it's just that so far, I seem to be following a similar time line. Also, she doesn't seem to believe me when I say that I would LOVE to be closer to my due date. The closer I can get to it, the less time I have to work at the end of the year.

Really, most of this is much ado about nothing. Baby boy will come when he wants to. It's just my job to make sure that things are as ready as possible. Still working on that, but we are definitely making progress. We still need to get his room done, and he needs some clothes. I still have a ton of work to get done at school, which is no fun at all.

However, it astonishes me that we are almost done with this part of the journey. I had a baby shower yesterday, and it was so fun to open baby gifts and talk about meeting my boy. I really can't wait, even though I wish I could press the fast forward or video montage button at this point (look at Hillary completing her evaluations and setting up the crib.)

Is it March yet? :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A California January

It's January 22nd.

It's 65 degrees.

I'm sitting on my bed in short sleeves with the window open. Birds are singing.

I love California.

This week was pretty good for a couple reasons. For one, it was only four days long. For another, the weather was fantastic. No ice patches to worry about on campus. No rainy lunches to deal with. Vice Principal bliss.

Those who are familiar with middle school students know that nice weather is not necessarily a nice thing. Sunshine can bring out the wild side of pre-teens. There was a fair amount of giggling and sneaky hand holding this week at my school.

However, I imagine that this nice weather is temporary and that we will be back to cold and wet soon. February and March tend to be rainy months here in Sac, but we get a little break in January, which tends to be dry and sunny.

I'm not sure how much of the pleasant weather we will get to enjoy today outside, as we have been cleaning up around the house and we are about to work on the baby's room again. I am hoping to take Em out at some point today or tomorrow, but we'll stay close to home. I cannot express how much I love the weekends and our quiet time at home. Work is fine, but the break is entirely necessary.

Next week should be a challenge. First, there's five days of work. Sigh. Second, I really need to get a move on with my second round of observations, and I need to get my office ready for my replacement. I have a doctor's appointment this week and my first non-stress test. I'm not pleased that from this week forward I will begin twice-weekly non-stress tests. I really wish they would just have me do one a week and build up to two if they are necessary. It's ironic that something with the word "non-stress" in it can cause so much stress. :)

For now, Em and I will continue bird watching from my bedroom window. Ahhhhhh....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I Heart the Weekend

I really do. Especially the three-day ones.

It's not that I don't like my job. I have an interesting, challenging, ever-changing job as a school administrator. I have worked very hard for this job, and it is the realization of a dream to have it.


It is quite literally kicking my ass right now.

I'd like to blame the pregnancy. Yes, I feel huge. Yes, my feet hurt. Yes, the CONSTANT doctor's appointments in Roseville hamper my ability to get things done.

However, January and February have never been months in which I experience high levels of energy. Despite the two-week winter break, I'm always pooped. By the time I get to March, I'm pretty whiny. Then the weather starts to warm up (typically) and I can begin to see the end of the year.

The last two weeks have gone by fine, but I've noticed that my "battery" seems to wind down by Friday. Take my work arrival times, for instance. Monday--6:55 (really not sure how I did that.) Tuesday--7:10. Wednesday--7:15. Thursday--7:20. Friday--7:30 (um, yikes.)

Thursday was really the only bleak day of this week. I felt really sorry for myself and really wiped out. It was the whole typical "No one appreciates one understands" bull-crap one can go through at times. Thankfully, I left at 2:30 for a doctor's appointment (yes, in f-ing Roseville), so I got to have some much-needed time to myself. I chatted on the phone with my sister, took myself out to dinner, read a book, and went to book club. It was a necessary change of pace.

Friday the sun came out and I felt much more optimistic.

Especially since the weekend had finally arrived.

Yesterday my big task was to go to Old Navy to get some baby clothes for my new cousin Andrea (so cute) and some yoga pants for myself (I LOVE them). I also too scored some cute tiger clothes for Owen. Yes, I went a little crazy with the shopping, but it was fun.

My sister and her family came up yesterday and it was great to see them for the first time since her birthday in December. We also got to see my cousin Ben and his wife and daughter, which was a nice treat. Even my aunt Linda stopped by for a visit.

Today a friend is taking me to a fancy baby store to check out strollers. Sadly, that will probably be all I do today. :) Tomorrow I think I need to head into work to get some stuff done, but I'd like to only be there a couple hours. It's a four-day week, which is nice, but I have learned that I am still expected to get the same amount of work done in fewer days.

But now it's the weekend, and I'm my yoga pants, and all is well. :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

1 Week Down...

7 to 10 to go. :)

I had a shocking (and rather silly) realization on Thursday. As usual, I got my little reminder on Thursday from Baby Center what week in pregnancy I'm in, how big the baby is, etc. (This week is a cabbage.)

This Thursday I hit 30 weeks.

For some reason that freaked me out.

All of a sudden the birth of my child, which before had seemed like it would NEVER happen, seemed very close.

If my first pregnancy is any indication, I could go (yes, like a bomb), in seven weeks. Ack! Hopefully, I've learned some things since my last pregnancy and I can hold him in for at least 8 weeks. (By the way, he just kicked me. That better be a sign of agreement.)

First, I'd like to delay birth until at least March for his health. Emerson was born healthy at 37 weeks, but she was small and not really interested in eating. It made things a little tough for all three of us.

Second, I like the idea of a March birthday for my little one. Our February is wacko with birthdays and anniversaries. March is pretty clear.

Third, my boss will be gone from February 11th to the 23rd. Her son is coming back from the war in Afghanistan and she will be flying to Tennessee to spend time with him. While I know that there is very little control that women have over when their children decide to arrive, I would love to be able to support my principal. Now, I don't know how helpful I will be at that point, but I would like to try.

This week back at work went well. I was pretty tired by the end of the day, but I got everything done that I needed to and my energy levels felt pretty high. It actually turned out to be important that I felt okay. The other vice principal stayed out on Thursday to take care of her daughter, and yesterday my principal had to leave to take care of a health issue. Luckily, everything went smoothly both days. But I'm not gonna lie, I was happy to leave on Friday.

This weekend should be the definition of relaxed. We slept in this morning, and we are starting to get moving. Today will be all about staying at home, hopefully getting some cleaning done. I'm not looking forward to cleaning out the spare room, but it really is necessary. Plus, I know I will feel better when the baby's room is ready. That'll take awhile...sigh.

But again, 7 to 10 weeks. :)