This year, as with most, I have been running at full speed. Since August I have had 10 to 12 hour work days at least four days a week. This is a snap shot of my typical work day:
5:45 Wake up, after Justin takes a shower. Feed cats, make coffee, and do my best to do full make up, hair, and professional dress by 6:30
6:30 Get Emerson up and dressed, teeth brushed, hair controlled
7:15 Drop Emerson off at daycare
7:30 "Work Day" begins
8:00 Teach/Be Ring Master for two hours with adorable, but energy-sucking Freshmen
10:15 Honors classes begin--40 kids in each class and they ALL have questions, difficult questions
11:30 30 minute lunch, time to enjoy my delicious Lean Cuisine
12:00 Honors bonanza begins again
2:30 Ahhhhh, prep period. Spend an hour running around like crazy person
3:30 Teach 8th period for juniors and seniors who failed English 9 or 10
5:00 Pick up Emerson from daycare. "Work Day" officially ends
6:00 Exercise, feed Emerson, speak with husband about teaching, sit on couch and stare into space
7:30 Either bathe or read to Emerson.
8:00 Pick one of the following options: check and answer student/work emails, grade work, work on Advocacy lessons, or do homework for my master classes
9:30 Drag self to bed
On Wednesdays, I have class until 8. And most Saturdays I have class all day.
So needless to say, I've been a little worn around the edges. Just a bit. So today I took a day. Today I'm hanging out with Emerson. We're going to spend time with friends, putter around the house, and just have a day together.
I'm very excited.